Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cindy Defends Drug Use, "Even Jackie had a Pillbox Hat!"

   AP - Decrying the media's remembrances of her Personal Charity/Medicine Cabinet, Cindy McCain has taken to defending her misuse of prescription drugs and blaming the doctors she hired to supply her.
   "I am under constant attack, it's unfair. The liberal media takes extra pleasure in making me look bad. Those doctors knew it was illegal to give me all those lovely little pills... the blue ones... oh... I did love the blue ones. It's really their fault, isn't it? Those quacks had it coming."
   Despite the fact that the Charity's physicians were caught supplying Mrs. McCain's habit and subsequently lost their licenses to practice medicine, she has no regrets. "I think we did good things for somebody. Poor people, I think, who couldn't get Vicodin otherwise. Isn't that what 'giving back' means?"

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