Saturday, October 11, 2008

Angry Palin Mobs Lynch CNN Cameramen

   AP - Wheeling, West Virginia
   Critics of the Republican strategy to "whip up the base into a frenzied mob" point to yesterday's lynching of Bill Jackson and Steve Monroe, both African-American CNN employees, as evidence that political attacks and race-baiting have gone too far.
   CNN spokesman Jim Matthews expressed his dismay, "Hey, these guys were just doing their jobs, covering the campaign. We're going to miss them."
   During the campaign stop, which lasted only thirty minutes, VP hopeful Sarah Palin repeatedly used rhetoric  designed to inflame racial bias and fear. At one point, she smiled and winked at the CNN cameramen, saying, "See those camera guys there? Who do you think they're voting for - huh? I betcha I know." 
   Loud, angry cries of "Traitors" and "Terrorists" were heard throughout the gathered crowd.
The murders occurred shortly after Gov. Palin's bus drove away. Next stop, Charleston.

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