Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chimp Controversy Alert! Obama is NOT the Prophet Mohammed

   In an effort to bring sanity to a situation made ridiculous by the shenanigans of the Rev. Al Sharpton in his never-ending battle to stay in the news, Policywanker wades into the morass of the NY Post's Chimp Stimulus Cartoon Fracas with expert advice to all those incensed by the crass racial stereotyping evident in the insensitive cartoon - "Get a fucking grip!"
   First, the cartoon takes a potshot at the stimulus package - NOT the physical hotness of our studly Commander in Chief. 
   Second, President Obama is not the Prophet Mohammed who must remain unrepresented and uncharacterized in blasphemous printed image or heads must roll.
   And third, Al Sharpton is not the anointed effing Ayatollah armed with bloody scimitar and backed by unruly mobs to lop off the heads of those infidels so sinful as to besmirch the power and grace of our president with chimpish desecrations.
   GOOGLE "Bush chimp" and you will find over a million references to our previous president for chimplike appearances and behaviors. Was it racially motivated? Hell no. Was it hilarious? Hell yes.
   The real chimp, lampooned in the NY Post cartoon - the shot dead chimp - high on green tea and Xanax, is the real loser and forgotten victim in this dumbshow. Trained to be special, then treated like a retarded Victorian child and shot dead for acting like an animal. He's the one who deserves a protest march or two. Where is outrage, people? 
   Dare Policywanker repeat himself? "Get a fucking grip!"

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