Monday, June 8, 2009

Gays With Guns, a Love Story


   With Gallup polling the average American's desire to see some hot man-on-man action in the military at an all-time high of 69% (insert snicker here), Gays, and those who love them, were perplexed by the Supreme Court's statement to "Talk to the hand." in their refusal to hear an appeal by former Army Capt. James Pietrangelo, dismissed under the Pentagon's infamous "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
   Damn, that was a long sentence.
   So, what we got here is a tricky presidential ploy to pull a switcheroo, according to Kevin Nix, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network spokesman. He claims the Obama administration wants the ruling away from the courts so they can stick a presidential order up the arses of the Pentagon Brass. 
   Others claim that the president is a pussy who doesn't want to look all Clintony in his first days in office, what with the arduous tasks already on his plate, like saving the US economy, restructuring Health Care, undoing Bush's legal damages to the environment and our global prestige while keeping us safe from terrorists. 
   Critics point to the dismissal of First Lieutenant Dan Choi, who publicly came out on the Rachel Maddow Show (she has that effect on men), as evidence that the president was willing to undermine national security (Choi is a skilled Arabic translator) to prove his manhood by punching the sissy.
   Only time will tell (cuz the Air Force Lezzies are clamming up), whether President Obama will stick to his guns and keep his campaign promise to end DADT. So far, he has shown an unwillingness to bend over.

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