Really? $2500 a ticket?
And people paid it...? Canadians are idiots.
So, what did they get in Toronto at sadly, the first of many Bush(=Dog) and Clinton(=Pony) Shows? Two pricey pieces of old ass complimenting each other's presidential prowess and dick size.
Calling him "brother", Bush high-fived Clinton and joked about how they "used to believe in free speech". Get it? Now, they're paid.
The 6000 suckers, eh, Canadians... were disappointed by the lack of venom, or intelligence, displayed by the two exes. Instead, the audience was treated to a pussy-footed love fest, while over a hundred protesters logged their disapproval on the streets outside.
The onstage conversation can best be summarized by the following likely exchange backstage...
Clinton: You da man!
Bush: No, buddy, you are!
Clinton: No, you are!
Bush: You! You are the MAN!
...and so on.
Bill Clinton proved himself, once again, to be the self-serving attention-starved douchebag we have all come to understand and ignore.
Will no one rid us of these troublesome priests?
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